


Malang Raya






Berbagi Informasi Kabupaten Malang

Ngliyep Beach Park is located in the Village Kedungsalam, Donomulyo, Malang Regency and is about 64 km from Malang. Beach Park area Ngliyep approximately 10 ha of which consist of protected forest, area beaches, lodging, and ample parking.
In 1980 access to Ngliyep Beach Park has been addressed by performing hotmix (paving) in order to facilitate travel of tourists who want to visit.

Based on this sign post. Ngliyep beach is 62 km from downtown Malang and 44 km from Kepanjen. If you are visiting Malang and you live in one of hotels in Malang then you need approximately 2 hours and a half driving a car or less than that for riding a motor cycle. For the exact address or location, Ngliyeb beach belongs to Desa Kedungsalam, Kecamatan Donomulyo.
If you happened to have your own vehicles with you than it will be much easier to go to Ngliyep. For local and international tourists they can rent a car in Malang for around 300-450 thousand IDR per day depends on the type of the cars and other details request. It is much cheaper if you drive and provide the gasoline yourselves. Some car rentals preferred to have their cars driven by their drivers which means that you sometimes have to pay some additional fee for the driver. So, get it clear in the beginning whether or not you have to pay additional fee for the gasoline, drivers or tickets.
Ngliyep is considered as the nearest beach to visit from Malang. The road heading to Ngliyep is well built with a little bumpy and broken road in some parts but overall it is still acceptable. It is advised to have off road cars or any kinds of cars will do at least not a sedan. You can have your car driven closely to the beach.

Ngliyep beach also has tourist attractions that are typical of a traditional event held annually to coincide with the 12th Maulud (in Java) is Labuhan ceremony. The ceremony was performed by the village community Kedungsalam with diverse offerings and accompanied by Reog (jaranan) and the guards who wore traditional clothing. The offerings that have been taken earlier marched towards Mount Kombang which is approximately 300 m from the guesthouse through the pedestrian bridge Ngliyep.
Beautiful coastal scenery, with huge waves and the famous beaches ferocity combined with the cool air, making Ngliyep Beach Park is well known to tourists and foreign tourists. And also with the construction of play facilities for children and substations of view makes the tourists get satisfaction in doing the tour.

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